Wikipedia & Linterweb

18 janvier 2010

Wikimédia Pologne choisit notre moteur de recherche Wikiwix

Filed under: wikiwix — Matthieu @ 19:23


Si vous êtes un habitué de ce blog, nul besoin de vous présenter à nouveau Wikiwix, le moteur de recherche sémantique développé par la société Linterweb, dédié aux projets de la fondation Wikimédia.
Il y a bien des manières d’effectuer vos recherches avec Wikiwix.
La plus facile et la plus naturelle, c’est bien sûr de se rendre sur la page d’accueil de Wikiwix.
D’autre part, notre moteur de recherche est également intégré à certains sites web, et je profite de l’occasion de cet article pour remercier ces sites web de la confiance qu’ils nous marquent ainsi qu’à Wikiwix.
Nous sommes ainsi particulièrement fiers de la confiance que nous témoignent de nombreuses communautés Wikipédia, notamment la Wikipédia francophone, qui depuis déjà un certain temps (pour ne pas dire un temps certain) a ajouté Wikiwix à la liste des moteurs de recherche disponibles sur sa page de recherche d’article.
Nous nous sentons de même très honorés de la confiance qu’ont bien voulu nous accorder certaines associations Wikimédia locales.
En effet, Wikimédia France a choisi Wikiwix comme moteur de recherche unique pour la recherche d’articles de la Wikipédia ou d’images de Wikimédia Commons à partir de son site, comme vous pouvez le constater sur sa page de recherche.
En outre, Wikimédia Pologne vient elle aussi d’élire Wikiwix pour être son moteur de recherche pour la recherche d’articles de la Wikipédia ou d’images de Wikimédia Commons à partir de son site.
Cette reconnaissance que nous apportent non seulement Wikimédia France, mais aussi Wikimédia Pologne, nous comble, et nous conforte dans nos efforts pour continuer d’améliorer toujours plus Wikiwix.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre moteur de recherche Wikiwix (le service est, rappelons-le, gratuit…) et Linterweb, je vous invite à lire notre blog.

N’hésitez pas à tester vous aussi Wikiwix et à nous faire part de vos commentaires.

En espérant que Wikiwix vous donnera entière satisfaction,

Cordialement, Matthieu.

Linterweb est une société d’informatique qui, depuis maintenant plusieurs années, développe un certain nombre de produits, dont la plupart sont liés de plus ou moins près à Wikipédia. Entre autres :

  • Wikiwix, un moteur de recherche sémantique qui restreint ses résultats aux articles des divers projets de la Fondation Wikimédia ; My Wikiwix, qui permet de disposer de son propre moteur de recherche personnalisable sur son propre site web ;, une version mobile de Wikiwix ;
  • Okawix, le navigateur Wikipédia hors-ligne libre et gratuit qui permet de lire en mode déconnecté les articles des projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, aussi bien que des archives de votre propre site web ; les archives sont disponibles pour téléchargement sur le site internet d’Okawix ;
  • un DVD comprenant environ 2 000 articles de la Wikipédia anglophone ; une clef USB contenant la version 0.7 de la Wikipédia anglophone ;
  • un programme d’archivage des pages web externes à la Wikipédia (c’est-à-dire, les pages web qui ne font pas partie de Wikipédia, mais auxquelles mènent des liens placés dans les articles de la Wikipédia, dits liens externes), afin que ces pages web externes restent consultables, et que les liens externes ne donnent pas des liens brisés ; ce programme est automatiquement utilisé, en particulier, pour tous les liens externes de la Wikipédia francophone.

4 janvier 2010

My Wikiwix et OpenDemocracy

Filed under: wikiwix — Matthieu @ 12:35


Récemment, notre entreprise, Linterweb, a eu l’honneur de vous présenter son nouveau service, My Wikiwix.
Vous connaissiez peut-être déjà Wikiwix, le moteur de recherche sémantique développé par la société Linterweb, dédié aux projets de la fondation Wikimédia.
Eh bien, My Wikiwix, c’est aussi un moteur de recherche, comme Wikiwix. Mais c’est un moteur de recherche que vous pouvez personnaliser et ajouter à votre propre site internet ! Vous le proposez aux visiteurs de votre site comme une fonctionnalité supplémentaire ; c’est donc un plus pour eux. Vous pouvez vous l’approprier et y intégrer (éventuellement) vos propres liens publicitaires ; c’est donc également un plus pour vous.

Et tout le monde est gagnant !
My Wikiwix utilise ces mêmes technologies que Linterweb avait développées spécialement pour la recherche d’articles de la Wikipédia, avec son moteur de recherche Wikiwix.
L’interface utilisateur est d’ores et déjà disponible en français, allemand et anglais. Et elle sera à terme également traduite en espagnol.
Ces derniers temps les nouvelles s’accumulent à un rythme toujours plus rapide. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes en mesure de vous annoncer que My Wikiwix est désormais pleinement disponible et fonctionnel, et que le célèbre site OpenDemocracy a décidé d’ajouter à sa page d’accueil le champ de recherche de My Wikiwix !
Vous aussi vous pouvez intégrer My Wikiwix à votre site internet et profiter ainsi librement des fonctionnalités offertes par notre moteur de recherche sémantique.
Pour cela, il vous suffit de lire les courtes explications de la page d’accueil de My Wikiwix :

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur notre moteur de recherche My Wikiwix (le service est, rappelons-le, gratuit…) et Linterweb, je vous invite à lire notre blog, en particulier l’article intitulé My Wikiwix, le moteur de recherche qui vous va bien.

N’hésitez pas à le tester.

Nous espérons que My Wikiwix vous donnera satisfaction, et vous souhaitons une très bonne année 2010 !

Cordialement, Matthieu.

Linterweb est une société d’informatique qui, depuis maintenant plusieurs années, développe un certain nombre de produits, dont la plupart sont liés de plus ou moins près à Wikipédia. Entre autres :

  • Wikiwix, un moteur de recherche sémantique qui restreint ses résultats aux articles des divers projets de la Fondation Wikimédia ; My Wikiwix, qui permet de disposer de son propre moteur de recherche personnalisable sur son propre site web ;, une version mobile de Wikiwix ;
  • Okawix, le navigateur Wikipédia hors-ligne libre et gratuit qui permet de lire en mode déconnecté les articles des projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, aussi bien que des archives de votre propre site web ; les archives sont disponibles pour téléchargement sur le site internet d’Okawix ;
  • un DVD comprenant environ 2 000 articles de la Wikipédia anglophone ; une clef USB contenant la version 0.7 de la Wikipédia anglophone ;
  • un programme d’archivage des pages web externes à la Wikipédia (c’est-à-dire, les pages web qui ne font pas partie de Wikipédia, mais auxquelles mènent des liens placés dans les articles de la Wikipédia, dits liens externes), afin que ces pages web externes restent consultables, et que les liens externes ne donnent pas des liens brisés ; ce programme est automatiquement utilisé, en particulier, pour tous les liens externes de la Wikipédia francophone.

16 décembre 2009

Affiliate marketing and Black Friday

Filed under: wikiwix — Matthieu @ 13:00

Employing an affiliate marketing strategy can be especially useful during peak sales seasons like Black Friday. At this time of year, every brand is trying to break through with deep discounts and sizable media investments. A trusted third party can help your brand reach customers by extolling the value your good or service delivers.

You’ll need to push the boundaries, though. Many brands in your category may likely be using affiliate marketing, too. Just look at all of the holiday shopping guides that emerge every year. These guides often contain links that direct readers to buy those products online using UTM tags – a sign of affiliate marketing.

However, depending on your category or audience, there may be less traditional ways to utilize affiliate marketing to realize a boost in sales. Influencers can be a great way to break through.

As an added bonus, as your marketing tactics help you reach customers more effectively than competitors, you can rely a little bit less on deep Black Friday discounts to get people in the door. That means higher profit margins at a time when every dollar counts. Read these tips for affiliates.

Types of affiliate marketing 

There are several main types of affiliate marketing programs that affiliate marketers can partner with. Let’s take a look at seven common ones.

1. Review sites

Brands can provide affiliate links to product review sites. Review sites may feature branded products more prominently in exchange for commissions on resulting sales. High-quality reviews also lend credibility and build trust with potential customers. Some popular product review affiliate sites include Wirecutter and Consumer Reports. High-quality reviews build reader trust and credibility for referral income.

2. Price comparison sites

Price comparison websites allow users to search for a particular product, like a TV or appliance, and see current pricing across multiple online and offline retailers. These sites make money through affiliate marketing programs when users click through their links and complete purchases. They help consumers find the best deals and lowest prices. Examples include Google Shopping, PriceGrabber, and Nextag. Brands benefit by participating in affiliate programs with these sites, which may drive more product visibility and sales through linked price listings.

3. Coupon sites

Coupon and discount code websites provide promotional codes and links for percentage discounts or dollars off at major online retailers. The coupon sites get paid an affiliate commission each time an online shopper purchases using one of their codes. For consumers, these sites make it easy to save money. Examples include RetailMeNot, CouponCabin, and Honey.

Coupon and discount code websites can be effective partners for brands looking to acquire new customers with special promotional offers. Affiliate commissions incentivize coupon sites to actively promote branded codes and deals.

4. Email marketing

Email marketing programs leverage subscriber lists to promote affiliate offers. Emails containing affiliate links are sent out to lists of engaged subscribers. This allows publishers to monetize their email lists by generating affiliate sales while providing their subscribers with relevant deals and offers. It can be an extremely effective affiliate marketing business model.

Brands provide unique links and creatives for email publishers to include in broadcasts. This expands promotional reach through trusted recommendations.

5. Loyalty programs

Major loyalty essentially function as large affiliate marketing schemes. Banks issue branded credit cards and earn interchange fees from each transaction. To incentivize card use, they offer rewards points, miles, or cash back.

However, the monetary value of these points is often less than what they cost the bank to redeem. The bank profits over time as customers accumulate points but don’t fully redeem them.

Brands pay commissions to the banks when customers use points for purchases. This encourages banks to actively promote their cards and loyalty programs. Customers see value in earning points, but banks ultimately profit the most from these affiliate partnerships.

6. Influencers

Social media influencers have become massively popular affiliate marketing partners. Influencers on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat often promote products they use and love to their engaged follower base. The influencers provide affiliate links or discount codes for their audiences to purchase the featured items, earning commissions on any sales. This allows influencers to make money from their content while promoting relevant products to their followers.

7. Content affiliate programs

Bloggers and content creators can participate in affiliate marketing programs related to their niche or audience. For example, a website focused on running could promote relevant products like shoes, fitness trackers, workout clothes, and nutrition products throughout their content. When readers make purchases using the affiliate links, the website earns commissions.

7 décembre 2009

Keeping your cat healthy and happy 

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 18:16


Cats rely on their owners and veterinarians to identify any health issues. It is recommended that cats receive at least a routine yearly health exam from a veterinarian, increasing to twice a year for cats over the age of seven. But how can you monitor your cat’s health in the extended periods between routine health checks? We suggest taking a preventative approach to your cat’s health by performing regular at home health checks on your cat.


Follow these eight easy steps to learn how to monitor your cat’s health at home.


 1. Regularly groom

Most cats enjoy regular grooming, it keeps their coat in good condition and it is a great way to notice changes in their health. Brushing your cat at least 1-2 times a week removes dirt, oil, dead skin, and dead hair from their coat, can improve blood circulation, decrease the occurrence of hairballs and help improve the overall condition of your cat’s skin and coat. Cats who have longer coats will need brushing more often, usually daily for long-haired cats. Your cat’s coat should be full and shiny, and the skin should not be dry and flaky. Dry and flaky skin could indicate a skin problem and is often accompanied by behavioural changes such as excessive scratching, chewing and/or licking. 

Regular grooming also gives you the opportunity to assess your cat’s physical condition up close. Try running your hands along your cat’s entire body with gentle pressure, if your cat responds with discomfort in any one area, or if you notice lumps or bumps, take your cat to the vet. Performing these checks frequently will allow you to notice any changes and any health concerns early on which will allow the opportunity to diagnose and treat any issues earlier and improve the chances of a good outcome.

Please note: Not all cats enjoy or will tolerate being groomed. If your cat does not respond well to being groomed, please make an appointment to talk to your veterinarian.

2. Weigh your cat 

 Your cat’s weight can be a good indicator of their health. Weigh your cat once every two weeks by using a scale designed for babies or by weighing yourself while holding your cat and then subtracting your weight. Record these weights each time so that you can begin to see a pattern overtime. If you see fluctuations in your cat’s weight it could be due to underlying health conditions, and you should seek veterinary advice. 


3. Assess your cat’s face 

Your cat’s face can tell you a lot about their health, try to check the condition of your cat’s ears, eyes, nose, and mouth regularly.  

Ears – Your cat’s ears should be clean and dry. Keep an eye out for redness of the skin and any discharge or odour from the ear canal as this may be a sign of infection. Also keep an eye out for any coffee-ground like brown or red discharge as this may be a sign of ear mites.  Tilting the head or scratching at the ears can also indicate a problem. If you notice any of these signs, please consult your vet. 

Eyes – Your cat’s eyes should appear clear and bright, with no discharge. The eyelid rim should be pink, not red, or white and your cat’s third eyelid should not be visible all the time (however, it is sometimes visible if your cat is sleepy). If you notice a little material in the corner of your cat’s eye, this may just be an accumulation of dust etc. and you can wipe this away using a damp cotton ball, always wiping away from the corner of the eye. If there is a lot of material, there is any white, green, or yellow colouration to it or your cat’s eye seems inflamed or is bothering your cat, consult your vet.

Nose – Your cat’s nose should be moist and clean, not dry and chapped and have no signs of discharge or bleeding.

Mouth – Caring for your cat’s dental health is very important, it is estimated that 8/10 cats over the age of three experience teeth and gum problems. They need regular and consistent dental care to prevent dental plaque and tartar/ build up and dental and periodontal disease. Your cat’s teeth should be a white colour, their gums should be pink, and they should have no strong odour coming from their mouth. Cats should have routine and regular dental checkups with their vet. Your vet can advise you on the best way to care for your cat’s teeth, this could include regularly brushing your cat’s teeth or a special ‘dental’ diet for cats (which can help to control plaque and tartar), a dental clean under anesthesia, or other options. Your vet is the best person to advise you on what are the best options for your cat.  

Please note – Cats should never, under any circumstances, have their teeth cleaned with human toothpaste


4. Trim your cat’s claws 

Trimming your cats claws can prevent them from getting caught on things, such as carpet, and breaking, while also helping to keep your furniture intact. Trimming your cat’s claws is also a great opportunity to check for any torn toenails or injuries to the paw pads. Learn more about cat lice prevention. 

5. Check breathing

Your cat’s breathing should be smooth and effortless and their respiratory rate should generally be between 20 to 30 breaths per minute at rest. You can calculate your cat’s respiratory rate by timing your cat’s breathing for 15 seconds and multiplying by four. If your cat is wheezing or coughing this may be a sign of serious problems and veterinary advice should be sought promptly. 

Keep an eye out for behaviour changes 

Cats are creatures of habit, so if you notice changes to their normal behaviour and routine this could indicate a health problem. Changes may not always be obvious, as every cat has a different way of showing that they’re upset or in pain. Look out for changes in appetite, drinking habits, litter box behaviour or routine, grooming, mobility and even the sound of your cat’s voice. If you notice anything unusual seek veterinary advice.


7. Know when to seek veterinary help 

Veterinarians are the professional experts when it comes to your cat’s health, so if you are at all concerned for your cat’s wellbeing, seek their advice. However, vet bills can be expensive, so it is a good idea to take out pet insurance to save you from any unexpected costs. Many vets also provide healthcare packages so speak to your local vet to find out about what they offer. It is also important to keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date and have your cat desexed before they reach puberty (at four months of age) to prevent any unexpected kittens. If your cat is unwell, it is important that they are only given the medication that they are prescribed as medications for humans and other animals like dogs can be very dangerous to cats. 

3 décembre 2009

Wikiwix et Linterweb soutiennent les campagnes actuelles de collectes de dons des associations Wikimédia locales :

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 15:14

Chers tous,

J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que, cette année encore, Linterweb et Wikiwix soutiennent les présentes campagnes de collectes de dons des diverses associations Wikimédia locales.
Ces campagnes de collectes de dons sont réalisées actuellement, parallèlement à la campagne de la Fondation Wikimédia globale.

Linterweb et Wikiwix soutiennent ces campagnes locales par l’ajout, sur les pages des résultats de recherche de Wikiwix, des logos des différentes associations Wikimédia locales.
Un clic sur ces logos vous mènera directement à la page de la campagne de collecte de dons de l’association Wikimédia locale correspondante.

Pour l’heure, seules les associations Wikimédia locales des pays qui suivent sont concernées par cette action :

  • Hongrie,
  • Italie,
  • France,
  • Suisse,
  • Autriche,
  • Allemagne,
  • Pays-Bas.

D’autres associations Wikimédia locales pourraient être ajoutées très prochainement.

Vos dons permettront d’une part de soutenir le développement des différents projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, et d’autre part de promouvoir des initiatives locales dans votre pays.
Entre autres, votre don permettra d’apporter un soutien financier aux projets locaux de promotion et de diffusion des contenus produits par la communauté Wikimédia.

Je souhaite à tous une très bonne campagne de collecte de dons,

Cordialement, Matthieu.
Linterweb est une société d’informatique qui, depuis maintenant plusieurs années, développe un certain nombre de produits, dont la plupart sont liés de plus ou moins près à Wikipédia. Entre autres :

  • Wikiwix, un moteur de recherche sémantique qui restreint ses résultats aux articles des divers projets de la Fondation Wikimédia ; My Wikiwix, qui permet de disposer de son propre moteur de recherche personnalisable sur son propre site web ;, une version mobile de Wikiwix ;
  • Okawix, le navigateur Wikipédia hors-ligne libre et gratuit qui permet de lire en mode déconnecté les articles des projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, aussi bien que des archives de votre propre site web ;
  • un DVD comprenant environ 2 000 articles de la Wikipédia anglophone ; une clef USB contenant la version 0.7 de la Wikipédia anglophone ;
  • un programme d’archivage des pages web externes à la Wikipédia (c’est-à-dire, les pages web qui ne font pas partie de Wikipédia, mais auxquelles mènent des liens placés dans les articles de la Wikipédia, dits liens externes), afin que ces pages web externes restent consultables, et que les liens externes ne donnent pas des liens brisés ; ce programme est automatiquement utilisé, en particulier, pour tous les liens externes de la Wikipédia francophone.

17 novembre 2009, un moteur de recherche dans votre poche.

Filed under: wikiwix — Matthieu @ 18:05

J’utilise beaucoup Wikipédia. C’est-à-dire… vraiment beaucoup ! La plupart du temps cependant, je parviens quand même à survivre sans, je vous rassure (et me rassure aussi) ! Malgré tout je confesse que, certains jours, sans Wikipédia, j’ai vraiment du mal… Une manière d’accoutumance… Il faut dire que j’utilise Wikipédia un peu pour tout : pour mon travail, bien sûr, mais aussi pour’ title=’cheap viagra overnight’>cheap viagra overnight mon propre plaisir, pour satisfaire ma curiosité, pour perdre mon temps intelligemment… Dans des cas comme ceux-ci, pouvoir consulter Wikipédia sur son mobile est vraiment un plus. À toute heure, et en tout lieu. Ici et maintenant… Hic et nunc…

Ceux qui se reconnaissent un peu dans ce portrait seront peut-être intéressés d’apprendre que notre société, Linterweb, vient de sortir une version mobile de son moteur de recherche sémantique orienté Wikipédia, Wikiwix.

Nous l’avons tout simplement appelé

Comme Wikiwix, il ne retourne que des résultats issus de la Wikipédia.

Cette version mobile est disponible à l’adresse N’hésitez pas à en faire l’essai et à nous faire part de vos commentaires !

Cordialement, Matthieu.

Linterweb est une société d’informatique qui, depuis maintenant plusieurs années, développe un certain nombre de produits, dont la plupart sont liés de plus ou moins près à Wikipédia. Entre autres :

  • Wikiwix, un moteur de recherche sémantique qui restreint ses résultats aux articles des divers projets de la Fondation Wikimédia ; My Wikiwix, qui permet de disposer de son propre moteur de recherche personnalisable sur son propre site web ;, une version mobile de Wikiwix ;
  • Okawix, le navigateur Wikipédia hors-ligne libre et gratuit qui permet de lire en mode déconnecté les articles des projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, aussi bien que des archives de votre propre site web ;
  • un DVD comprenant environ 2 000 articles de la Wikipédia anglophone ; une clef USB contenant la version 0.7 de la Wikipédia anglophone ;

14 octobre 2009

Understanding Defensive Driving

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 12:05

Defensive driving is a critical skill set for anyone behind the wheel, but it is significant for truck drivers navigating our highways. These heavy-duty vehicles require heightened caution and expertise due to their large size, blind spots, and longer stopping distances. Given the potential impact of any mishap, truck drivers must master the art of defensive driving.

This article will delve into the unique challenges faced by those who operate these large vehicles and provide practical tips and strategies to minimize risks on the road. As safety should never be an afterthought, our focus will be on preventing accidents before they happen, ensuring that every trip is safe.

Driving doesn’t have to be a dangerous task; it can be a safe and controlled activity with the right knowledge and approach. Let’s explore the essential defensive driving practices for truck drivers. Get the best tips and advices at IMPROV.


Understanding Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a method of driving that enables motorists to identify potential hazards before they become dangerous. By employing proactive strategies like anticipating other drivers’ actions, maintaining a safe distance, and adjusting to road and weather conditions, defensive drivers can effectively circumvent accidents before they occur. It’s a way to ensure your safety and the safety of others sharing the road.

Central to the concept of defensive driving is the principle of anticipation. A defensive driver constantly observes their surroundings, anticipates possible scenarios, and prepares for unexpected events. This is achieved by constantly scanning the road, paying attention to the behaviors of other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, and adjusting your driving accordingly.

Being aware of your surroundings is another cornerstone of defensive driving. It involves constant vigilance of your immediate environment — inside and outside the vehicle. It’s about being alert to the ever-changing conditions, such as the weather, road works, or traffic congestion, and adjusting your driving speed and style to match these conditions. In essence, defensive driving is about taking a proactive and prepared approach to driving, which is especially crucial for truck drivers due to their vehicles’ size and potential impact.


Special Challenges for Truck Drivers

The art of defensive driving takes on a whole new perspective when operating commercial trucks. Due to these vehicles’ sheer size and design, truck drivers face unique challenges that demand heightened awareness and a specialized skill set. This section examines a few of these challenges, primarily focusing on size and weight, blind spots, stopping distances, and maneuverability.

The Size and Weight Conundrum

Commercial trucks stand out significantly in terms of their size and weight. Their massive structure and substantial load make navigating through traffic strenuous. The sheer weight of a fully loaded truck can range from 20,000 to 80,000 pounds, significantly impacting the vehicle’s acceleration, braking, and maneuverability. Truck drivers must always be conscious of these factors, making necessary adjustments in their driving style to accommodate the vehicle’s size and weight.

The Blind Spot Challenge

Blind spots in commercial trucks are considerably larger than those in smaller vehicles. The areas directly behind and beside the truck, particularly on the right side, are often invisible to the driver, even with mirrors. This increases the risk of collision with other road users who may be ‘hiding’ in these blind spots. As such, checking blind spots vigilantly and frequently is a non-negotiable aspect of defensive driving for truck drivers.

Stopping Distance and Maneuverability

Stopping a commercial truck is not as straightforward as stopping a passenger vehicle. Due to their considerable weight, trucks require a much longer distance to come to a complete halt.

Drivers must, therefore, maintain a safe following distance, considering the extra stopping time needed. Furthermore, the maneuverability of a truck is a complex undertaking due to its size and length. Performing turns and navigating tight spaces requires exceptional skill and experience, making these maneuvers another significant aspect of defensive driving for truck drivers.


Benefits of Defensive Driving for Truck Drivers

Defensive driving significantly reduces the risk of hazards for truck drivers, presenting numerous benefits that extend beyond the immediate safety of the individual driver. Understanding these advantages can provide additional motivation to adopt defensive driving techniques and underscore their importance. Here, we explore the benefits of defensive driving for truck drivers.

Reduce the Likelihood of Accidents

Defensive driving is an effective strategy to prevent accidents, as it involves anticipating potential dangers and reacting promptly to mitigate them. By maintaining a safe following distance, checking blind spots frequently, and adapting to road conditions, truck drivers can greatly reduce the chances of accidents. Truck drivers who adopt defensive driving habits ensure their safety and contribute to safer roadways for all users.

Lower the Risk of Injuries to the Driver and Others on the Road

Defensive driving goes a long way in ensuring the safety of the truck driver and other road users. By staying alert, predicting potential hazards, and taking necessary precautions, truck drivers can prevent dangerous situations that may lead to injuries. It also reduces the risk of major traffic incidents involving multiple vehicles, thus safeguarding the well-being of other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists sharing the road.

Positive Impact on Insurance Premiums and Overall Cost Savings

Engaging in defensive driving can lead to substantial cost savings for truck drivers. Many insurance companies offer discounts on premiums for drivers who follow defensive driving practices, as they are less likely to be involved in accidents. Additionally, by avoiding collisions, drivers can evade the costly repairs and legal issues that often accompany accidents. Defensive driving, therefore, proves to be economically beneficial in the long run.


Defensive Driving Techniques for Truck Drivers

Adopting effective defensive driving techniques is crucial for truck drivers to ensure their safety and that of other road users. These techniques enable drivers to anticipate potential hazards, react appropriately, and mitigate risks. Here, we delve into some fundamental defensive driving techniques that every truck driver should practice.

Maintaining a Safe Following Distance

A safe following distance is pivotal in preventing accidents, especially for commercial trucks requiring a longer stopping distance due to their weight. The rule of thumb for truck drivers is to leave at least one second for every 10 feet of vehicle length at speeds below 40 mph. To maintain speeds exceeding 40 mph, it is necessary to allocate an additional second. For instance, if driving a 40-foot vehicle, you should leave four seconds between you and the vehicle ahead.

Proper Use of Mirrors and Checking Blind Spots

Mirrors are essential tools for truck drivers to monitor their surroundings, especially to keep an eye on those notorious blind spots. Truck drivers should regularly check their mirrors every 5-10 seconds, alternating between the rearview and side mirrors. Furthermore, before changing lanes, turning, or performing any maneuver, drivers must always double-check their blind spots to ensure no vehicles are ‘hiding’ in those areas.

Strategies for Handling Adverse Weather Conditions

Driving a commercial truck in adverse weather conditions can be challenging, requiring drivers to adapt their driving style to ensure safety. These strategies can help truck drivers navigate safely in various weather conditions:

  1. Reduce speed: Lowering your speed allows more reaction time in case of sudden stops or turns.
  2. Increase following distance: In adverse weather conditions, stopping distances can be significantly increased. Hence, drivers should leave more space between their trucks and vehicles.
  3. Use headlights: Always keep your headlights on to enhance visibility, even in light rain or fog.
  4. Avoid sudden maneuvers: Any sudden move can lead to skidding or loss of control, so make sure to brake, steer, and accelerate smoothly.
  5. Stay updated with weather reports: Keep track of weather forecasts, plan your route, and schedule accordingly.

Understanding and Adhering to Traffic Laws and Regulations

Adherence to traffic laws and regulations is not just a legal obligation but integral to safe driving. Truck drivers need to familiarize themselves with the laws of the areas they’re navigating, including speed limits, weight restrictions, and specific rules related to commercial vehicles. Regularly updating one’s knowledge about these laws is key, as regulations may vary by state and change over time.

5 octobre 2009

The Science of Healthy Eating

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 16:32

If you are feeling confused about what to eat, you are not alone. You have probably heard some fitness experts talk about good foods, bad foods, healthy foods, and clean foods. Some talk about food like it’s a drug. Others spend time trying to stay away from some of their favorite foods. And then there are the food police who shame you for, let’s say, eating dessert (Are you really going to eat that cookie?) as if one cookie will ruin your life forever. Read more about alpilean.

Every diet guru talks about what to eat. Instead, I will like to discuss why we eat the way we do and how we can change that. The purpose of this article is to share the science and strategy you need to get the results you want.

I. Nutrition: How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It

We will examine the science behind why we crave juck food and how food scientist create foods that leads to cravings

II. How to Make Healthy Eating Easier

We will look into the importance of the environment for healthy eating. How you can eat healthy without noticing. Then  we will discuss on some idea on what to eat, ways to eat healthy without feeling guilty.

III. How to Stick to a Healthy Eating Habit

We will address the root problem to your unhealthy eating habit. Teach you how to Say No to Temptation with a one word phrase that will help you eat healthy for the rest of your life.

I. The Science of Healthy Eating

The benefits of good nutrition are fairly obvious to most of us. You have more energy, your health improves, and your productivity blossoms. Healthy eating also plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight, which means a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, heart problems, high blood pressure, and a host of other health ailments. (Genetics also plays a significant role.)


But if there are so many good reasons for healthy eating, why is it so difficult to actually do? To answer that question, we should start by learning why we crave junk food. 



Why We Crave Junk Food


Steven Witherly is a food scientist who has spent the last 20 years studying what makes certain foods more addictive than others. Much of the science that follows is from his excellent report, Why Humans Like Junk Food.

According to Witherly, when you eat tasty food, there are two factors that make the experience pleasurable.

First, there is the sensation of eating the food. This includes what it tastes like (salty, sweet, umami, etc.), what it smells like, and how it feels in your mouth. This last quality known as “orosensation” can be particularly important. Food companies will spend millions of dollars to discover the most satisfying level of crunch in a potato chip. Food scientists will test for the perfect amount of fizzle in a soda. These elements all combine to create the sensation that your brain associates with a particular food or drink. This is how phenq works.

The second factor is the actual macronutrient makeup of the food — the blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that it contains. In the case of junk food, food manufacturers are looking for a perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat that excites your brain and gets you coming back for more.

Here’s how they do it…


How Food Scientists Create Cravings

There is a range of factors that scientists and food manufacturers use to make food more addictive.

Dynamic contrast. Dynamic contrast refers to a combination of different sensations in the same food. In the words of Witherly, foods with dynamic contrast have “an edible shell that goes crunch followed by something soft or creamy and full of taste-active compounds. This rule applies to a variety of our favorite food structures; the caramelized top of a creme brulee, a slice of pizza, or an Oreo cookie, the brain finds crunching through something like this very novel and thrilling.”

Salivary response. Salivation is part of the experience of eating food, and the more a food causes you to salivate, the more it will swim throughout your mouth and cover your taste buds. For example, emulsified foods like butter, chocolate, salad dressing, ice cream, and mayonnaise promote a salivary response that helps to fload your taste buds with goodness. This is one reason why many people enjoy foods that have sauces on them. The result is that foods that promote salivation do a happy little tap dance on your brain and taste better than ones that don’t.

Rapid food meltdown and vanishing caloric density. Foods that rapidly vanish or “melt in your mouth” signal to your brain that you’re not eating as much as you actually are. In other words, these foods literally tell your brain that you’re not full, even though you’re eating a lot of calories.


Sensory-specific response. Your brain likes variety. When it comes to food, if you experience the same taste over and over again, then you start to get less pleasure from it. In other words, the sensitivity of that specific sensor will decrease over time. This can happen in just minutes. These are the most legal steroids.

Junk foods, however, are designed to avoid this sensory specific response. They provide enough taste to be interesting (your brain doesn’t get tired of eating them), but it’s not so stimulating that your sensory response is dulled. This is why you can swallow an entire bag of potato chips and still be ready to eat another. To your brain, the crunch and sensation of eating Doritos is novel and interesting every time.


Memories of past eating experiences. This is where the psychobiology of junk food really works against you. When you eat something tasty (say, a cookie), your brain registers that feeling. The next time you see that food, smell that food, or even read about that food, your brain starts to trigger the memories and responses that came when you ate it. These memories can actually cause physical responses like salivation and create the “mouth-watering” craving that you get when thinking about your favorite foods.

These factors all combine to make processed food tasty and desirable to our human brains. When you combine the science behind these foods with the incredible prevalence of food (cheap fast food everywhere), eating healthy becomes very hard to do.


II. How to Make Healthy Eating Easier

Most people think that building better habits or changing your actions is all about willpower or motivation. But the more I learn, the more I believe that the number one driver of behavior change is your environment.

Your environment has an incredible ability to shape your behavior. Nowhere is this more true than with food. What we eat on a daily basis is often a result of what we are presented.

Let me share an interesting experiment to show you exactly what I mean…

The Importance of Environment for Healthy Eating

Anne Thorndike is a primary care physician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Thorndike and her colleagues conducted a six-month study that was published in the American Journal of Public Health.

This study secretly took place in the hospital cafeteria and helped thousands of people develop healthy eating habits without changing their willpower or motivation in the slightest way. Thorndike and her team utilized a concept known as “choice architecture.” Choice architecture is just a fancy word for changing the way the food and drinks are displayed, but, as it turns out, it makes a big difference.

The researchers started by changing the way drinks were displayed in the cafeteria. Originally, all refrigerators were filled with carbonated soft drinks. The researchers made sure that water was added to each refrigerator and also placed baskets of bottled water throughout the room.

What happened? Over the next 3 months, the number of soda sales dropped by 11.4 percent. Meanwhile, bottled water sales increased by 25.8 percent.

Similar adjustments and results were made with food options. Nobody said a word to the people who ate at the cafeteria. The researchers simply changed the environment and people naturally followed suit.

Choice architecture is even more important when you’re already stressed, tired, or distracted. If you’re already worn-down, you’re probably not going to go through a lot of effort to cook a healthy dinner or fit in a workout. You’ll grab or do whatever is easiest.

That means that if you take just a little bit of time today to organize your room, your office, your kitchen, and other areas, then that adjustment in choice architecture can guide you toward better choices even when your willpower is fading.

How to Eat Healthy Without Noticing

Brian Wansink is a professor at Cornell University, and he has completed a variety of studies on how your environment shapes your eating decisions. Many of the ideas below come from his popular book, Mindless Eating. Here are some of his best practical strategies for using choice architecture to make healthy eating easier.

1. Use smaller plates. Bigger plates mean bigger portions. And that means you eat more. According to a study conducted by Wansink and his research team, if you made a simple change and served your dinner on 10-inch plates instead of a 12-inch plate, you would eat 22% less food over the course of the next year.

On a related note, if you’re thinking “I’ll just put less food on my plate” … it’s not that simple. The picture below explains why. When you eat a small portion off of a large plate, your mind feels unsatisfied. Meanwhile, the same portion will feel more filling when eaten off of a small plate. The circles in the image below are the same size, but your brain (and stomach) doesn’t view them that way.

2. Want to drink less alcohol or soda? Use tall, slender glasses instead of short, fat ones.

Our brain has a tendency to overestimate vertical lines. In other words, taller drinks look bigger to our eyes than round, horizontal mugs do. And because height makes things look bigger than width, you’ll actually drink less from taller glasses. In fact, you will typically drink about 20% less from a tall, slender glass than you would from a short, big glass.

3. Use plates that have a high contrast color with your food. When the color of your plate matches the color of your food, you naturally serve yourself more because your brain has trouble distinguishing the portion size from the plate. Because of this, dark green and dark blue make great plate colors because they contrast with light foods like pasta and potatoes (which means you’re likely to serve less of them), but don’t contrast very much with leafy greens and vegetables (which means you’re likely to put more of them on your plate).

4. Display healthy foods in a prominent place. For example, you could place a bowl of fruits or nuts near the front door or somewhere else that you pass by before you leave the house. When you’re hungry and in a rush, you are more likely to grab the first thing you see.

5. Wrap unhealthy foods in tin foil. Wrap healthy foods in plastic wrap. The old saying, “out of sight, out of mind” turns out to have some truth to it. Eating isn’t just a physical event, but also an emotional one. Your mind often determines what it wants to eat based on what your eyes see. Thus, if you hide unhealthy foods by wrapping them up or tucking them away in less prominent places, then you are less likely to eat them.

6. Keep healthy foods in larger packages and containers, and unhealthy foods in smaller ones. Big boxes and containers tend to catch your eye more, take up space in your kitchen and pantry, and otherwise get in your way. As a result, you’re more likely to notice them and eat them. Meanwhile, smaller items can hide in your kitchen for months. (Just take a look at what you have lying around right now. It’s probably small cans and containers.)

27 août 2009

Okawix obtient le support de pour sa traduction.

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 12:11

Linterweb est heureux de vous annoncer que son navigateur de consultation de Wikipédia en mode déconnecté, Okawix, vient d’être admis dans la liste des projets dont la traduction est soutenue par, la plateforme de régionalisation des projets libres.

Ainsi la traduction d’Okawix sera-t-elle à partir de maintenant prise en charge par les membres de la communauté

Nous souhaiterions exprimer ici nos chaleureux remerciements à Nike et Siebrand, qui s’occupent du projet, ainsi qu’aux nombreux membres de la communauté (entre autres Michawiki,Fryed-peach, Hosiryuhosi, Naudefj, Umherirrender, Bennylin, ‎Александр Сигачёв, Toliño, Kiranmayee, Purodha, Fulup, Cedric31) qui, depuis avant hier, ont déjà eu le temps de commencer la traduction d’Okawix en plus de dix langues !

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14 août 2009

Linterweb et Wikiwix étendent leur visibilité.

Filed under: actualité — Matthieu @ 14:32

Depuis déjà un certain temps, le blog de la société Linterweb est agrégé par la version française de Planet Wikimedia, l »agrégateur de blog de la Fondation Wikimédia, ce qui procurait déjà à ce blog une certaine visibilité vis-à-vis de la communauté Wikimédia francophone.

Désormais, le blog de la société Linterweb est également agrégé par les versions anglophone ( et germanophone ( de Planet Wikimedia, étendant encore sa visibilité, notamment parmi les membres non francophones de la communauté. Y seront publiés les articles des versions anglophone ( et germanophone ( du blog Vi uppdaterar varan information dagligen och en sektion du bor halla koll pa ar den med nya bonusar dar vi kommer att presentera free spins och exklusiva bonusar. de la société Linterweb.

La société Linterweb édite plusieurs produits et logiciels libres centrés sur la mise en valeur des projets Wikimédia, parmi lesquels le moteur de recherche Wikiwix (et ses surprenants modes de visualisation d »information Atlas et Frises), le navigateur Okawix (permettant en particulier de consulter les articles des projets Wikimédia en mode déconnecté), un DVD comprenant environ 2000 articles de la Wikipédia anglophone, et des clefs USB contenant les articles des projets Wikimédia.

Cordialement, pour Linterweb, Matthieu.

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