So you’re an experienced driver. You’ve driven in the snow, on the highway, at night – defensive driving is second nature to you. But if you can’t teach defensive driving to your children or grandchildren, they’ll never be able to have the same level of knowledge and experience when it comes time for them to take their license exam. And so defensive driving should always be taught from a young age – because drivers are more likely to engage in safe practices if they learn defensive driving early on!
What is defensive driving, and why do you need it?
Defensive driving is a practice that has been around for decades, and it really helps to keep the roads safer. It’s basically defensive practices like:
Giving yourself and other drivers time to react.
Knowing when you should slow down or break.
Always have your eyes on the road, even if you’re just sitting in traffic.
Defensive driving isn’t just about what happens while you are actually moving with your car. You need defensive driving skills because things can happen quickly! For example, have you ever found yourself behind someone who was using their phone? Have they slowed down without warning? Are they swerving all over the lanes? If so, then this driver needs defensive driving techniques. Defensive driving will help them avoid accidents by staying alert and making decisions quickly. This is clearly the best Florida traffic school course.
Defensive driving isn’t just about avoiding accidents and speeding tickets – defensive drivers are also more likely to show patience on the road! If the accident happens, you should search for car accident lawyers for immediate help. Defensive driving is a hard habit to break, so we should teach our kids from a young age that it’s important for everyone’s safety when they get behind the wheel of their car.
How to practice defensive driving
If the defensive driving habits are already ingrained in your brain, then you’ll be fine. But if defensive driving isn’t natural for you yet, there are some simple ways to practice defensive techniques! For example:
Slow down when approaching intersections.
Do not speed up until after they’ve passed through them completely. You don’t want to risk an accident or getting a speeding ticket because of impatience.
Put your phone away!
By practicing defensive driving yourself, you can teach others how it’s done too!
Be patient with other drivers on the road
Remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and being defensive will help keep both of you safe even if someone else does something wrong. Defensive driving is about more than just protecting yourself – defensive driving is about keeping the people around you safe too.
Defensive driving isn’t just a one-and-done kind of thing. You may have been a defensive driver when you first started out, but with time, it’s easy to forget how important defensive techniques are during your daily commute! Teach them early on, so they can practice their skills for years to come.
The importance of being a defensive driver
If defensive driving isn’t taught and practiced early on, then there are some very real consequences. Things like speeding tickets can add up quickly – not to mention the risk of getting in an accident when you have no defensive driving skills under your belt!
In 2014, around 35% of car accidents were due to distracted driving. That means that every time someone is using their phone while they’re behind the wheel, there’s a chance they could cause a serious crash. And with social media being so prevalent these days, it’s easy for people to get wrapped up in what everyone else is doing without thinking about how important it is to stay safe on the road! If defensive driving isn’t enough… well… let’s just say defensive driving isn’t enough.
In 2015 alone, speeding contributed to more than a third of all fatal car accidents in the United States!
It’s not just other drivers you have to worry about – defensive driving is key if you want to avoid getting hit by another driver who doesn’t know what they’re doing behind the wheel. Making defensive decisions and thinking quickly can keep both your passengers and yourself safe even when conditions aren’t ideal for driving.
Defensive driving is truly one of those things that everyone should practice whether or not we’ve had an accident before – it might be something as simple as slowing down when approaching red lights so someone else doesn’t try to make a turn without stopping, like what happened last week…
Why you should always be on the lookout for potential hazards
Defensive driving isn’t just about defensive techniques – it’s also a mindset. Being aware of your surroundings is as important on the road as defensive driving itself. Not only does being defensive help keep you safe, but it can save other people on the road who might not have been able to react in time!
When you’re behind the wheel, always be prepared for potential hazards that could appear at any moment and cause an accident or worse yet… get someone killed! Things like reckless drivers speeding through intersections without stopping are hazardous enough when there aren’t innocent bystanders nearby. But if defensive driving doesn’t happen fast enough, then these kinds of accidents become deadly situations very quickly because they often lead to head-on collisions where no one comes out the other side unscathed.
The term employee experience has a broad meaning, encompassing all interactions an employee has with an employer. It’s also one of the most valuable investments that you, as a manager, can make.
A strong employee experience strategy, like any other business initiative, is designed to improve an organization’s overall performance.
Having a good employee experience is crucial for enjoying your job and finding a healthy work-life balance. When you are satisfied at work, you are more likely to come home with a positive mindset, allowing you to be fully present for your family and kids. Surprising them with details like classic childrens clothes can create a cozy and comfortable environment, enhancing the quality time you spend together.
So, how can you improve the employee experience? Here’s a list of 10 easy strategies:
1. Deliver Excellent Communication
The key to improving relationships with your employees is the same as in any other relationship – communication.
Most HR leaders and business professionals agree that communication is important, but they ultimately spend more time communicating with the media, with stakeholders and with their target audience than with their own employees.
To improve communication, make sure you’re offering a conversation platform, like LumApps, that’s more than just email. Use communication tools to share good news and bad news, to celebrate major accomplishments in your employees’ professional and personal lives, and to clearly identify your purpose and values.
2. Respond to Feedback
The best way to know what your employees need from you is to ask them, and then to listen when they respond.
Today, many tools are available to help capture continuous employee feedback, like pulse survey tools, open survey tools, and performance management tools. Using them freely and frequently will allow you to understand what employees like about your organization while also learning what employees still feel they’re missing.
To receive honest feedback, however, it’s vital that a culture of respect and open communication already exists in the organization. If your employees feel neglected or disrespected in regular, day-to-day communication, they’re not likely to take the time to communicate honestly with you.
3. Focus on Employees
This strategy might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s important to focus on employee experience at every step of the employee life cycle. From onboarding to departure, view each interaction as an opportunity to create a positive employee experience.
For example, viewing employee experience through the lens of the entire employee life cycle can lead to questions like:
Does our hiring process feel fair?
Do new hires experience our values during onboarding?
Do employees feel they are growing and developing with us?
How do people feel about their time with us when they leave?
The answers to these questions will allow you to see your entire work environment from an employee’s perspective and may show where there’s room for improvement.
➝ Read more: How to Create a Great Onboarding Experience for Remote Employees
4. Promote Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
A study made by Russell and Reynolds Associates in 2017 found that the presence of a diverse workforce directly improved human capital outcomes, including:
decreased intent to leave
increased employee engagement
increased creativity
greater employee belonging
The same study found even greater improvements among organizations with established D&I strategies, as well as those with leaders committed to implementing those strategies. To make sure your workforce stays diverse and experiences the many benefits that come with diversity, develop and implement a D&I strategy that focuses on talent attraction, development, and retention.
Additionally, promote diversity and show your employees you support them by ensuring your tools and systems support multiple languages.
5. Provide Meaningful Work
According to a study by Deloitte, the ideal organization will provide its employees with meaningful work by:
Encouraging autonomy: Empower your employees by allowing them to shape their work environment in ways that help them perform at their best. Hire autonomous people, don’t overreact when mistakes are made and give your employees the tools they need to reach their goals.
Creating small, independent teams: Be open to new ideas, recognize and encourage your employees regularly, and give team members the authority to make decisions. If you’re afraid to give employees that kind of authority, consider giving them the training they need to make wise business decisions autonomously.
6. Make Management Supportive
Great managers make employees feel supported during day-to-day operations. For example, they set clear and transparent goals for teams and for the organization so that no one is left in the dark when big-picture decisions are made.
Great managers also provide coaching for employees by giving frequent feedback, encouraging employees to learn from others, building their confidence and sincerely asking how they can help the employee achieve their goals.
However, great managers are made, not born. Without investing in manager development, your organization may find itself lacking the leadership it needs to improve the employee experience.
➝ Read more: 15 Tips for Successfully Reboarding Employees
7. Create a Positive Work Environment
A positive work environment is the result of a combination of factors, like:
A flexible work environment allows employees to work in their preferred environment at their preferred hours. Allowing job flexibility has been proven to increase productivity, health and job satisfaction while decreasing stress, costs, and absenteeism.
Additionally, it’s important to promote diversity and inclusivity by watching employees interact, then by recognizing and rewarding inclusive behaviors. Providing unconscious-bias training to all managers and taking measures to mitigate hostile interactions in the workplace are equally beneficial steps.
Finally, a culture of recognition is a great way to make employees feel valued while motivating others to achieve similar success. Creating peer-to-peer awards, asking employees to write featured blog posts on the organization’s website or even sharing their success on corporate social media channels, are excellent ways to showcase employees’ accomplishments.
8. Offer Growth Opportunities
Research by DecisionWise found that only 43% of employees feel that their employers offer good opportunities for growth and development. This is an alarming statistic since findings also suggest that high-performing employees will only remain in jobs that challenge them and provide meaning.
E-cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, are devices that resemble regular cigarettes. They typically consist of a one-piece unit you utilize until it runs out and discards.
Meanwhile, vape pens are trendy gadgets with a rechargeable battery and a refillable tank. Vaping is the act of breathing an aerosol comprising multiple substances, usually nicotine and flavouring, through a vaping mod or an e-cigarette in the United Kingdom. Vaping is growing more popular among teenagers. Check out the best weed container.
Which is Safer, an E-cigarette or a Vape?
Both smoking and vaping are harmful to your health. According to the findings, smoke appears to be more harmful than vaping. However, this statement is not to argue that vaping is risk-free.
Second-hand smoke contains over 7,000 reliable chemical sources. Unfortunately, hundreds of these substances are toxic, and approximately 70 of them cause cancer.
Vapers can buy through e-cig shops online in the UK with store precautions and health benefits, which are why people who vape are at risk.
Vape can contain high levels of nicotine, a substance known to slow brain development in foetuses, children, and teenagers.
Adults and children are at risk if they swallow, inhale, or get nicotine on their skin from vape juices that produce vapour.
Vaping also exposes users to hazardous chemicals such as diacetyl, carcinogenic toxins, toxic substances, and volatile organic substances.
Unlike vaping, there is extensive research to back up claims that smoking is harmful to human health. Smoking, according to the CDCTrusted Source, has the following facts:
Smoking can damage every organ of the body.
More than 480,000 people die in the United States each year.
There are 90% lung cancer fatalities.
Vaping and smoking have similar adverse effects on the body, such as lung damage and increased risk of cancer.
Research shows more about smoking’s long-term effects than vaping’s. However, vaping products contain far fewer toxic substances than cigarettes and may be an effective tool in helping people quit smoking altogether.
While vaping reduces the quantity of tar and other toxins breathed, it can also increase a person’s nicotine addiction.
Ce matin j’avais rendez – vous à la banque avec mon nouveau conseiller financier intérimaire de la Caisse d’Épargne de Rouen.
Quand je dis intérimaire, c’est en effet le cas, puisque nous en sommes au quatrième en 7 ans et que celui-ci gère les affaires courantes de notre ancien qui a quitté précipitamment le groupe.
Déjà, première surprise personne dans les bureaux , deux hôtesses à l’accueil, un conseiller et le directeur de l’agence de Rouen Jeanne d’arc, habituellement cette agence est rempli de conseiller en tout genre.
Les clients mécontents attendaient tous leur rendez – vous avec leur conseiller client.
L’hôtesse d’accueil de la Caisse d’Épargne nous fait donc patientez en attendant qu’elle contacte notre conseiller.
Nouvelle surprise, notre conseiller n’est pas dans les locaux, et est injoignable par téléphone.
Après 45 minutes d’attente à lire les slogans publicitaires de la BPCE : « Definition : un professionnel est une personne qui ne doit pas perdre du temps avec une banque », l’hôtesse vient nous apprendre qu’il était préférable que nous quittions les locaux et de reprendre un rendez – vous ultérieurement.
Trop c’est trop après 45 minutes , une heure de voiture pour rien, je lui signale que la prochaine fois il se déplacera, puisque celui – ci donne des rendez-vous qu’il ne tient pas dans l’agence de la Caisse d’Epargne de Rouen.
Le ton monte, ma femme s’emporte avec une cliente qui prend la défense de la Caisse d’Epargne, bref le directeur d’agence daigne nous recevoir dans son bureau et nous informe que notre conseiller est en réunion pour toute la journée.
Nous ressortons du bureau avec la promesse que notre conseiller nous rappellera dans la journée et qu’à l’heure où j’écris pas de nouvelles.
Je tiens donc à féliciter la Caisse d’Epargne pour le sérieux assurer à un gérant de deux sociétés, et pour la relation clientèle avec cette banque.
Encore merci de cette journée, sur lequel vous avez tenu toute vos engagement sur la définition d’un professionnel.
Depuis déjà un certain temps, le blog de la société Linterweb est agrégé par la version française de Planet Wikimedia, l »agrégateur de blog de la Fondation Wikimédia, ce qui procurait déjà à ce blog une certaine visibilité vis-à-vis de la communauté Wikimédia francophone.
Désormais, le blog de la société Linterweb est également agrégé par les versions anglophone ( et germanophone ( de Planet Wikimedia, étendant encore sa visibilité, notamment parmi les membres non francophones de la communauté. Y seront publiés les articles des versions anglophone ( et germanophone ( du blog Vi uppdaterar varan information dagligen och en sektion du bor halla koll pa ar den med nya bonusar dar vi kommer att presentera free spins och exklusiva bonusar. de la société Linterweb.
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Suite à la coupure du courant cf le dernier billet, nous en avons profité pour renforcer notre infrastructure matérielle.
Nous avions remplacé deux tours par des racks qui permettent une meilleure endurance et un gain de place significatifs.
Nous avons également remis en place les données ( 1.5 Tera octets ) sur deux disques durs, afin de permettre une sécurisation partielle de ces dernières.
Suite à un violent orage dans la nuit du 15 avril, le data center Renater du Crihan a subi une coupure de courant au delà de la charge tenu par les onduleurs, cette coupure a eu des répercutions sur l’infrastructure électrique du crihan qui a été rétabli dans la journée du 15 avril, par voie de fait, l’adsl de la région rouennaise se trouvait également pertubée.
Le 17 avril, une grève intempestive de EDF a provoqué de nouvelles coupures sur le réseau du Crihan et qui viennent tout juste d’être rétabli. Ces 2 évenements consécutifs ne sont pas représentatifs de la qualité de service du Crihan, les répercutions sur ces incidents en globe l’université de Rouen, sur l’administration rouennaise et internet en Haute Normandie font que ce sont des évènements exceptionnels et la réactivité du Crihan est à la hauteur de ces répercutions.
Ces deux coupures de courant consécutives ont impactées grandement notre infrastructure et nous avons perdu deux disques durs sur la même machine.
Et comme nous étions en période de vacances scolaires notre effectif était réduit au service minimum.
Du coup le blog et le site officiel de Linterweb ont été indisponible pendant 15 jours.
Pascal Martin
Deux grosses nouvelles appellent ce billet, la première est 1Z0-517que nous proposons un dossier de candidature pour les wikimania de 2009 à Buenos Aires, afin de sensibiliser la communauté sur nos projets :
Wikiwix : méta moteur de recherche sur les contenus de la Fondation
Cache : archive sur les liens externes sur Wikipedia Francophone
Et oui la deuxième nouvelle est là, dans les prochains jours une version d’Okawix va sortir, nous avions temporairement abandonné le développement autour de l’outil pour faute de temps. Mais un planning favorable dans les semaines qui approchent nous permettent de finaliser la version en cours.
La loi dite de « création et internet » pour protéger les artistes français du piratage n’est pas passée.
Cette loi propose une cialis online riposte graduée pour les contrevenants commençant par le courrier et allant jusqu’à la suppression de l’accès internet.
Cette loi oublie tout un secteur de l’activité, qui est le monde du webmastering ce qui est un peu notre cas. En effet, le business model de la majorité des sites internets repose sur la quantité de visiteurs qu’il brasse, et la monétisation se fait soit par de la publicité soit par de la vente de produit en ligne.
Cette loi supprimant donc l’accès internet a des probabilités non négligeable d’affecté toute l’économie numérique, car moins de visiteurs sur les sites c’est moins de rentrée d’argent.
A titre de comparaison, il paraît invraisemblable d’interdire l’accès à tous les commerces les gens qui ont été pris à voler, ou bien interdire de regarder la télé ceux qui ont été pris à ne pas payer la redevance télévisuelle.
Le manque à gagner pour nous qui vivons de près ou de loin d’une activité sur Internet n’ont pas été pris en compte de cette loi.
Ce qui démontre une fois de plus la méconnaissance des métiers de l’internet du gouvernement.
En tout état de cause, Linterweb va attendre les effets de cette loi sur son chiffre d’affaire avant de recruter d’autres personnes, après la crise il faut gérer la loi Hadopi.
Et dire que cette loi s’appelle « Création et Internet » , elle devrait plutôt s’appeler « Création et Internet contre la Création sur Internet ».