Wikipedia & Linterweb

16 décembre 2009

Affiliate marketing and Black Friday

Filed under: wikiwix — Matthieu @ 13:00

Employing an affiliate marketing strategy can be especially useful during peak sales seasons like Black Friday. At this time of year, every brand is trying to break through with deep discounts and sizable media investments. A trusted third party can help your brand reach customers by extolling the value your good or service delivers.

You’ll need to push the boundaries, though. Many brands in your category may likely be using affiliate marketing, too. Just look at all of the holiday shopping guides that emerge every year. These guides often contain links that direct readers to buy those products online using UTM tags – a sign of affiliate marketing.

However, depending on your category or audience, there may be less traditional ways to utilize affiliate marketing to realize a boost in sales. Influencers can be a great way to break through.

As an added bonus, as your marketing tactics help you reach customers more effectively than competitors, you can rely a little bit less on deep Black Friday discounts to get people in the door. That means higher profit margins at a time when every dollar counts. Read these tips for affiliates.

Types of affiliate marketing 

There are several main types of affiliate marketing programs that affiliate marketers can partner with. Let’s take a look at seven common ones.

1. Review sites

Brands can provide affiliate links to product review sites. Review sites may feature branded products more prominently in exchange for commissions on resulting sales. High-quality reviews also lend credibility and build trust with potential customers. Some popular product review affiliate sites include Wirecutter and Consumer Reports. High-quality reviews build reader trust and credibility for referral income.

2. Price comparison sites

Price comparison websites allow users to search for a particular product, like a TV or appliance, and see current pricing across multiple online and offline retailers. These sites make money through affiliate marketing programs when users click through their links and complete purchases. They help consumers find the best deals and lowest prices. Examples include Google Shopping, PriceGrabber, and Nextag. Brands benefit by participating in affiliate programs with these sites, which may drive more product visibility and sales through linked price listings.

3. Coupon sites

Coupon and discount code websites provide promotional codes and links for percentage discounts or dollars off at major online retailers. The coupon sites get paid an affiliate commission each time an online shopper purchases using one of their codes. For consumers, these sites make it easy to save money. Examples include RetailMeNot, CouponCabin, and Honey.

Coupon and discount code websites can be effective partners for brands looking to acquire new customers with special promotional offers. Affiliate commissions incentivize coupon sites to actively promote branded codes and deals.

4. Email marketing

Email marketing programs leverage subscriber lists to promote affiliate offers. Emails containing affiliate links are sent out to lists of engaged subscribers. This allows publishers to monetize their email lists by generating affiliate sales while providing their subscribers with relevant deals and offers. It can be an extremely effective affiliate marketing business model.

Brands provide unique links and creatives for email publishers to include in broadcasts. This expands promotional reach through trusted recommendations.

5. Loyalty programs

Major loyalty essentially function as large affiliate marketing schemes. Banks issue branded credit cards and earn interchange fees from each transaction. To incentivize card use, they offer rewards points, miles, or cash back.

However, the monetary value of these points is often less than what they cost the bank to redeem. The bank profits over time as customers accumulate points but don’t fully redeem them.

Brands pay commissions to the banks when customers use points for purchases. This encourages banks to actively promote their cards and loyalty programs. Customers see value in earning points, but banks ultimately profit the most from these affiliate partnerships.

6. Influencers

Social media influencers have become massively popular affiliate marketing partners. Influencers on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat often promote products they use and love to their engaged follower base. The influencers provide affiliate links or discount codes for their audiences to purchase the featured items, earning commissions on any sales. This allows influencers to make money from their content while promoting relevant products to their followers.

7. Content affiliate programs

Bloggers and content creators can participate in affiliate marketing programs related to their niche or audience. For example, a website focused on running could promote relevant products like shoes, fitness trackers, workout clothes, and nutrition products throughout their content. When readers make purchases using the affiliate links, the website earns commissions.

7 décembre 2009

Keeping your cat healthy and happy 

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 18:16


Cats rely on their owners and veterinarians to identify any health issues. It is recommended that cats receive at least a routine yearly health exam from a veterinarian, increasing to twice a year for cats over the age of seven. But how can you monitor your cat’s health in the extended periods between routine health checks? We suggest taking a preventative approach to your cat’s health by performing regular at home health checks on your cat.


Follow these eight easy steps to learn how to monitor your cat’s health at home.


 1. Regularly groom

Most cats enjoy regular grooming, it keeps their coat in good condition and it is a great way to notice changes in their health. Brushing your cat at least 1-2 times a week removes dirt, oil, dead skin, and dead hair from their coat, can improve blood circulation, decrease the occurrence of hairballs and help improve the overall condition of your cat’s skin and coat. Cats who have longer coats will need brushing more often, usually daily for long-haired cats. Your cat’s coat should be full and shiny, and the skin should not be dry and flaky. Dry and flaky skin could indicate a skin problem and is often accompanied by behavioural changes such as excessive scratching, chewing and/or licking. 

Regular grooming also gives you the opportunity to assess your cat’s physical condition up close. Try running your hands along your cat’s entire body with gentle pressure, if your cat responds with discomfort in any one area, or if you notice lumps or bumps, take your cat to the vet. Performing these checks frequently will allow you to notice any changes and any health concerns early on which will allow the opportunity to diagnose and treat any issues earlier and improve the chances of a good outcome.

Please note: Not all cats enjoy or will tolerate being groomed. If your cat does not respond well to being groomed, please make an appointment to talk to your veterinarian.

2. Weigh your cat 

 Your cat’s weight can be a good indicator of their health. Weigh your cat once every two weeks by using a scale designed for babies or by weighing yourself while holding your cat and then subtracting your weight. Record these weights each time so that you can begin to see a pattern overtime. If you see fluctuations in your cat’s weight it could be due to underlying health conditions, and you should seek veterinary advice. 


3. Assess your cat’s face 

Your cat’s face can tell you a lot about their health, try to check the condition of your cat’s ears, eyes, nose, and mouth regularly.  

Ears – Your cat’s ears should be clean and dry. Keep an eye out for redness of the skin and any discharge or odour from the ear canal as this may be a sign of infection. Also keep an eye out for any coffee-ground like brown or red discharge as this may be a sign of ear mites.  Tilting the head or scratching at the ears can also indicate a problem. If you notice any of these signs, please consult your vet. 

Eyes – Your cat’s eyes should appear clear and bright, with no discharge. The eyelid rim should be pink, not red, or white and your cat’s third eyelid should not be visible all the time (however, it is sometimes visible if your cat is sleepy). If you notice a little material in the corner of your cat’s eye, this may just be an accumulation of dust etc. and you can wipe this away using a damp cotton ball, always wiping away from the corner of the eye. If there is a lot of material, there is any white, green, or yellow colouration to it or your cat’s eye seems inflamed or is bothering your cat, consult your vet.

Nose – Your cat’s nose should be moist and clean, not dry and chapped and have no signs of discharge or bleeding.

Mouth – Caring for your cat’s dental health is very important, it is estimated that 8/10 cats over the age of three experience teeth and gum problems. They need regular and consistent dental care to prevent dental plaque and tartar/ build up and dental and periodontal disease. Your cat’s teeth should be a white colour, their gums should be pink, and they should have no strong odour coming from their mouth. Cats should have routine and regular dental checkups with their vet. Your vet can advise you on the best way to care for your cat’s teeth, this could include regularly brushing your cat’s teeth or a special ‘dental’ diet for cats (which can help to control plaque and tartar), a dental clean under anesthesia, or other options. Your vet is the best person to advise you on what are the best options for your cat.  

Please note – Cats should never, under any circumstances, have their teeth cleaned with human toothpaste


4. Trim your cat’s claws 

Trimming your cats claws can prevent them from getting caught on things, such as carpet, and breaking, while also helping to keep your furniture intact. Trimming your cat’s claws is also a great opportunity to check for any torn toenails or injuries to the paw pads. Learn more about cat lice prevention. 

5. Check breathing

Your cat’s breathing should be smooth and effortless and their respiratory rate should generally be between 20 to 30 breaths per minute at rest. You can calculate your cat’s respiratory rate by timing your cat’s breathing for 15 seconds and multiplying by four. If your cat is wheezing or coughing this may be a sign of serious problems and veterinary advice should be sought promptly. 

Keep an eye out for behaviour changes 

Cats are creatures of habit, so if you notice changes to their normal behaviour and routine this could indicate a health problem. Changes may not always be obvious, as every cat has a different way of showing that they’re upset or in pain. Look out for changes in appetite, drinking habits, litter box behaviour or routine, grooming, mobility and even the sound of your cat’s voice. If you notice anything unusual seek veterinary advice.


7. Know when to seek veterinary help 

Veterinarians are the professional experts when it comes to your cat’s health, so if you are at all concerned for your cat’s wellbeing, seek their advice. However, vet bills can be expensive, so it is a good idea to take out pet insurance to save you from any unexpected costs. Many vets also provide healthcare packages so speak to your local vet to find out about what they offer. It is also important to keep your cat’s vaccinations up to date and have your cat desexed before they reach puberty (at four months of age) to prevent any unexpected kittens. If your cat is unwell, it is important that they are only given the medication that they are prescribed as medications for humans and other animals like dogs can be very dangerous to cats. 

3 décembre 2009

Wikiwix et Linterweb soutiennent les campagnes actuelles de collectes de dons des associations Wikimédia locales :

Filed under: okawix — Matthieu @ 15:14

Chers tous,

J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que, cette année encore, Linterweb et Wikiwix soutiennent les présentes campagnes de collectes de dons des diverses associations Wikimédia locales.
Ces campagnes de collectes de dons sont réalisées actuellement, parallèlement à la campagne de la Fondation Wikimédia globale.

Linterweb et Wikiwix soutiennent ces campagnes locales par l’ajout, sur les pages des résultats de recherche de Wikiwix, des logos des différentes associations Wikimédia locales.
Un clic sur ces logos vous mènera directement à la page de la campagne de collecte de dons de l’association Wikimédia locale correspondante.

Pour l’heure, seules les associations Wikimédia locales des pays qui suivent sont concernées par cette action :

  • Hongrie,
  • Italie,
  • France,
  • Suisse,
  • Autriche,
  • Allemagne,
  • Pays-Bas.

D’autres associations Wikimédia locales pourraient être ajoutées très prochainement.

Vos dons permettront d’une part de soutenir le développement des différents projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, et d’autre part de promouvoir des initiatives locales dans votre pays.
Entre autres, votre don permettra d’apporter un soutien financier aux projets locaux de promotion et de diffusion des contenus produits par la communauté Wikimédia.

Je souhaite à tous une très bonne campagne de collecte de dons,

Cordialement, Matthieu.
Linterweb est une société d’informatique qui, depuis maintenant plusieurs années, développe un certain nombre de produits, dont la plupart sont liés de plus ou moins près à Wikipédia. Entre autres :

  • Wikiwix, un moteur de recherche sémantique qui restreint ses résultats aux articles des divers projets de la Fondation Wikimédia ; My Wikiwix, qui permet de disposer de son propre moteur de recherche personnalisable sur son propre site web ;, une version mobile de Wikiwix ;
  • Okawix, le navigateur Wikipédia hors-ligne libre et gratuit qui permet de lire en mode déconnecté les articles des projets de la Fondation Wikimédia, aussi bien que des archives de votre propre site web ;
  • un DVD comprenant environ 2 000 articles de la Wikipédia anglophone ; une clef USB contenant la version 0.7 de la Wikipédia anglophone ;
  • un programme d’archivage des pages web externes à la Wikipédia (c’est-à-dire, les pages web qui ne font pas partie de Wikipédia, mais auxquelles mènent des liens placés dans les articles de la Wikipédia, dits liens externes), afin que ces pages web externes restent consultables, et que les liens externes ne donnent pas des liens brisés ; ce programme est automatiquement utilisé, en particulier, pour tous les liens externes de la Wikipédia francophone.

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