Wikipedia & Linterweb

13 May 2015

Allingroups Release

Filed under: Uncategorized — Matthieu @ 13:19

Today I’m glad to present you Allingroups, a new service proposed by Linterweb.

For quite a few years, here at Linterweb, we’ve been working mainly on Wikimedia oriented services, like Wikiwix, a Wikipedia oriented search engine, Okawix, an offline Wikipedia browser, or Wikiwix Archives, a service used for instance on the French, the Romanian or the Hungarian speaking Wikipedias, that allows keeping a copy of all Internet sources quoted in Wikipedia articles, so that they don’t get definitively lost, even if the initial Internet source has been moved or removed.

We’re now working at something quite different, more aimed at the Facebook community: Allingroups, a Facebook auto-poster.


Members of Facebook have the possibility to post messages on their fan pages or in their groups (groups of friends, of relatives, of fans, business groups… of which they are a member). If you want to post one message in one group or on one page, it is convenient. The problem begins when you want to publish the same message in various groups or pages. If you want to post the same message in ten groups or pages, you have to repeat ten times: go into the group or onto the page, write you message, post it, go to the second group or page, do the same stuff, etc. Well, with ten groups or pages, it’s probably boring but still possible, but if you’ve got several hundred groups or pages, you don’t want to spend all your day doing this, it would take up all your time!

That’s what Allingroups is all about: saving you time!

Allingroups allows you to save time by automatically posting messages to part or all of your groups or pages, while taking care to prevent you from being blocked or banned by Facebook quite restrictive publishing rules (that are in addition being reinforced those days).


What’s more, contrary to most of other existing Facebook auto-posters, Allingroups doesn’t need to be installed on your computer: the program is run on our servers. As a consequence, your computer doesn’t need to be switched on and connected to Facebook while publishing your messages. So that, not only you’ll save a lot of time, but you’ll also save a huge amount of money and of electricity: just one of our servers dedicated to publishing all messages on Facebook uses much less energy than the ten thousand computers of our ten thousand current Allingroups users. At a time when the climate change is becoming an increasingly important concern, it is worth to be noticed: many small energy gains of this kind can, all together, amount to important energy savings for the planet.

How does it work?

Our Facebook auto-poster is easy to use:

  1. you sign up to Allingroups with your Facebook e-mail address;
  2. you go to the page Create a campaign, where you may write your message, choose a Facebook or any other web page to add to your message;
  3. you may select the option “Add the affiliation link to your message”, which will add to your message a link to Allingroups; doing so, you get free Allingroups credits;
  4. you select the groups and pages to which you want to post the message in the list of your Facebook groups and pages;
  5. you click on the Save campaign button. And that’s all!


How expensive is it?

Not very expensive, in my opinion : basically, one Allingroup credit allows you to post one message to one group or page. So 100 Alingroups credits allow you to post one message to one hundred groups or pages, or one hundred messages to one group or page, or two messages to fifty groups or pages, or five messages to twenty groups or pages: share your credits as you like among your groups and pages.

In addition, you currently get 500 free Alingroups when you sign up, plus 200 more credits thanks to the following promo code: MATT LINTERWEB, that you will enter while signing up; plus other free credits through the affiliation link: once a person joins Allingroups through this link, your account will be credited with 200 credits and you will become their sponsor.

When anyone you sponsor signs up to a plan, you will benefit from 10% of the credits that they receive. When somebody you sponsor sponsors somebody else, you will benefit from 8% of the credits that they acquire. At the third level, you will benefit from 6%, 4% at the 4th, and 2% at the 5th level.

And you can also buy Allingroups credits on the My Credits tab. Our prices may vary in the future, but currently the price of an Allingroups credit  is €0.01. Not even the cost of electricity if you did the publishing yourself. It means you can send 100 messages for €1. Considering the time and the electricity saved, I think it’s worth it!


If you use Facebook a lot, you should definitely give it a try! You’ll save time, for you, and electricity, for the sake of the planet. While the United Nations Climate Change Conference will soon be held in Paris, in december 2015, this issue seems more relevant than ever.


We and the people of Linterweb, we have always tried to keep the Wikipedia community informed of our ideas and our work concerning the Wikimedia projects, especially thanks to our blog We’ll keep on writing articles concerning Wikimedia on this blog on a regular basis. In addition, from now on we’ll publish all articles concerning Allingroups and the Facebook community on a new blog dedicated to Allingroups:


Hope to see you soon on Allingroups, and on our new blog! Matthews, Allingroups team member 🙂

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