Wikipedia & Linterweb

3 août 2009 publie un article sur Wikiwix !

Filed under: wikiwix — Matthieu @ 10:50

Merci beaucoup à Abhijeet et Kaly de pour leur élogieux article sur notre moteur de recherche Wikiwix (en anglais). On peut entre autres y lire que Wikiwix est le « moteur de recherche ultime pour la Wikipédia » ! Sympa, non ?

(juste une petite coquille dans l’article : Wikiwix permet d’effectuer des recherches dans les 253 langues pratiquées sur Wikipédia)

Encore une fois mille mercis à !


Cette note est également disponible en: Anglais


  1. Bonjour,

    Sorry I cannot speak French.

    I am so happy that I now have Okawix and the Wikipedia on my local hard drive!

    Can someone help me?

    I’m wondering if I am using the search engine incorrectly.  It seems to be limited to 25 results, which often does not find the article I am searching for.

    I tried editing one of the Okawix .INI files that appears  to limit the search results to 25 results, but it did not work.

    I checked the Okawix entries in the Registry, but I did not see anything there.

    For example, today I was going crazy trying to find the « Club of Rome » entry, but I could not.  Quotes on search terms seem to have no effect.  Boolean searches seem not to work.  What am I doing wrong?


    Best regards,


    Commentaire by perry — 21 octobre 2009 @ 23:14

  2. @perry >

    Sorry, it was not an .INI file.

    It was the

    and I tried to change the 25 in the following to 50, but it did not work:

    pref(« results.limit »,25);

    How can I change the number of search results?

    Thank you,


    Commentaire by perry — 21 octobre 2009 @ 23:37

  3. @perry > There’s a bug in the search component that prevent you from setting the number of search results to something higher than 25, you can set it up to something lower though. I opened a bug report about it: and will try to fix it soon.

    Commentaire by dev — 22 octobre 2009 @ 10:32

  4. re: bugfix on 25 result limit
    Thank you very much! Merci beaucoup!

    Commentaire by Perry — 24 octobre 2009 @ 2:39

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